All Friday and Saturday events will be held in 210 Levis Faculty Center. Keynotes and panels will also be accessible via Zoom; please register to receive a link.
Thursday, February 29
5-7pm – Opening Reception for Symposium Registrants and Guests of the History Department
Remarks by Dr. Antoinette Burton, Director of Humanities Research Institute
Friday, March 1
9am – Breakfast for Symposium Registrants
9:30-11am – “Making History” – Q&A on Research and Community-Facing Work
Facilitated by Dr. Anna Whittington, Assistant Professor of History
This Q&A will feature keynote speakers, Dr. Jessica Zychowicz and Dr. Rosalyn LaPier, who are active in public-facing roles. This session will provide a forum to discuss methodologies and approaches particular to Women’s and Gender Studies and the ways in which research can inform community work. As we conduct research that is informed by community, we not only write history – we make history. The discussion may also include public-facing projects, community-based research, approaches to oral histories, and the scholar’s responsibility to their research subjects.
11:30am – Lunch for Symposium Registrants and Guests of the History Department
12:15-1:15 pm – Keynote by Dr. Jessica Zychowicz
Introduced by Dr. Markian Dobczansky, Associate Director of the European Union Center
1:30 – 2:40 pm – Panel 1 – Gender and Empire
Moderated by Haiyi Li, PhD Student of History
*Suyoung Kim, University of Pennsylvania – “‘Continental Brides’ and ‘Mothers’ in Imperial Japan: Female Agency, Labor, and Empowerment in Manchuria (1931-1945)”
Srinanda Ganguly, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign – “Gender, Patronage and Commemoration: Sultan Khusrau’s Tomb in Allahabad”
*Saffron Sener, Harvard University – “An Eclectic Frontier: Reproduction, Gender, and Place in 19th-Century Great Lakes Borderlands”
Devi Nayar, Yale University – “Gendered Space in Colonial Kerala”
2:50 – 4pm – Panel 2 – Between Public and Private
Moderated by Marisa Natale, PhD Candidate of History
*Rachel Hamilton, Queen’s University – “’Another Visitor to the Palace’: Gender, Mental Illness, and Intruders on the British Royal Family’s Privacy, 1837-1900”
Amy Achenbach, Baylor University – “Sorority Row: The Greek-letter Sorority as ‘Finishing School’ of ‘Modern’ American Womanhood”
*Maia Vitarini Lwin, Yale University – “Fantasy and Confinement in The Birdcage”
Nesya Nelkin, Columbia University – “‘And she has been named this from the cradle:’ Vernacular Names and Women’s Sacred Spaces in Late Medieval Germany”
4-6pm – Reception for Symposium Registrants and Guests of the History Department
Remarks by Dr. Robert Morrissey, Director of Graduate Studies, History
Saturday, March 2
9:00 am – Breakfast for Symposium Registrants
9:30-10:30 am – Keynote by Dr. Rosalyn LaPier: “‘A Flawed Account’ The Erasure of Indigenous Women from the Land and History”
Introduced by Dr. Dana Rabin, Chair of History
11 am – 12:15 pm – Panel 3 – Landscapes, Boundaries, and Cartographies
Moderated by Dr. Laura Goffman, Assistant Professor of History
*Nathan Klembara, Binghamton University – “Queering Upper Paleolithic Burial Landscapes”
Andres Restrepo-Sanchez, University of Iowa – “Pediatrics is Pink, Radiology is Blue: Mapping Male Nursing Care inside the Hospital”
Arpita Biswas, Rutgers University – “Cows and Cartography: How ‘bodyscapes’ shape the national imagination”
Faolan Thompson, University of Pittsburgh – “Bodies, Boundaries, and Gendering Knowledge on the Australian Frontier”
12:30 pm – Lunch for Symposium Registrants
1:30 – 2:45 pm – Panel 4 – Reconfiguring Identity and Knowledge
Moderated by Franziska May Yost, PhD Candidate, History
*Victoria Greene, Columbia University – “Forced Displacement and the Vulnerability of the Apolis Woman in the Peloponnesian War”
Reanne Zheng, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign – “A Historically-Produced Archive: Early Chinese Women as Prostitutes in California”
Lance Pederson, University of British Columbia-Vancouver – “‘The Sun and Wine of Tonnerre’: Gender and Place in the Autobiographical Writings of the Chevalier(e) d’Éon”
Ganiyat Alli, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign – “Embodied Islamic Literacy in Northern Nigeria: Memorizing, Carrying, and Drinking, with a Focus on the Case of Nana Asma’u”
* – denotes a virtual presentation